SiTi Teater BTC

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Torek, 19. julij 2022


Concert - The Beat Fleet, HR


The six-member band The Beat Fleet, better known as TBF, comes from Split and has been considered one of the most innovative and striking musical groups in the former Yugoslavia since the beginning of the nineties. With a charming, nostalgic fusion of hip hop, reggae, rock, funk, soul, and Dalmatian influence, they finally return to Ljubljana after a few years. For the first time since their last performance in Slovenia in 2018, they promise their loyal fans a bunch of greatest hits and new singles, positive energy, and good fun with a touch of the Mediterranean.

September 10, 2022 at 20.30- SiTi under the stars, BTC City


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SiTi Teater BTC - Uvodna stran