SiTi Teater BTC

Skok na vsebino

Sreda, 20. julij 2022

Jure Ivanušič & Rade Šerbedžija


Jure Ivanušič & Rade Šerbedžija

Actor and pianist Jure Ivanušič, an old acquaintance of SiTi Teater, will perform with the icon Rade Šerbedžija. They say they are soul mates. They are a great match both on stage and behind it. In addition to numerous film, theater, and television roles, Rade Šerbedžija also recorded six music albums. His interpretation could be characterized as a chanson, and in the compositions, it merges and intertwines with various musical motifs. In Slovenia, he has always been admired by all generations, as he left a unique mark with the songs Barbara, Ne daj se Ines (by Arsen Dedić), and many others with his irresistible charm.

September 5, 2022 at 20.30 - SiTi under the stars, BTC City


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